• Affiliated to CBSE - New Delhi, Affiliation No. 930448


Psychology and Counseling

Psychology and Counseling

Guiding students towards success. The impact of counselling on academic achievement well being !


Counselling plays a crucial role in supporting students emotional well – being and academic success. It provides a safe space for students to express their feelings, navigate challenges and develop essential life skills. Counsellors are there to support students emotional well – being and help them rock their academic journey. They create a safe space where students can open up, tackle challenges, and build essential life skills. They also collaborate with teachers and parents to create a positive and inclusive learning environment. Our counseling sessions provide various kinds of support to students.


Counsellors offer a listening ear and provide guidance to help students cope with stress, anxiety, and other emotional challenges. They create a supportive environment where students feel heard and understood. When it comes to emotional support, counsellors are like the ultimate cheerleaders for students. They are always there to lend a listening ear, offer guidance and provide a safe space for students to express their feelings. Whether its dealing with stress, anxiety or any other emotional challenges. Counselors are the superheroes who help students navigate those tough times. Our Counsellor makes sure that each child is heard.


Counsellors help students set goals, develop study skills and create academic plans. They provide resources and strategies to enhance learning and improve academic performance. When it comes to academic success, counsellors are like the secret weapons of students. They help students set goals, develop study skills, and create academic plans. They provide resources and strategies to enhance learning and improve performance with their guidance and support students can unlock their full potential and achieve their academic goals. Counsellors are like the ultimate study buddies who are always there to cheer students on and help them thrive in their academic journey. Our counseling facility has enabled children to take advantage of the guidance and prove themselves in their academics.


Counsellors assist students in making informed decisions about their education, career paths and personal lives. When it comes to decision making, counsellors are like the ultimate advisors. They provide valuable information, guidance and support ensuring that students feel confident and empowered in their decision making process. Whether it’s choosing the right courses, exploring career options. Our counselor is always there to lend a helping hand.


The counsellor in our school works closely with teachers, parents and other school staff to create a positive and inclusive learning environment.


Counselling can have a significant impact on social – emotional development. It helps children develop self awareness, emotional regulation, and skills. It promotes empathy. Counselling also develops positive relationships, enhances communication skills and improves self esteem.


In conclusion, counseling is an integral part of the school system. It provides essential support to students, helping them navigate challenges, develop life skills, and achieve academic success. The impact of counseling goes beyond the classroom, positively shaping students. Hence through our counselling sessions, we try to bring about an overall well being and growth.